Music Should be Played at 444 Hz.

Several years ago, I began noticing others whom have also commented on this: Pre-WWII the standard frequency for musical instruments to be tuned at, was 444hz. It was the Rockefeller family – again, knowing so many of the esoteric secrets, and knowledge that the Sheeple were never meant to know – decided to create the system of A = 440 Hz. This is because they knew that 444 Hz was so much closer to the resonance of the human frequency, in the most general terms. Divide, conquer, control of human consciousness being an all important elelement for the Rockefeller’s service to those who are the “still” the Rulers of Planet Earth, and their hybridized – downgraded – Slave Species.

Posted by Elliot Sabino, March 26, 2017 image

Learning Guitar Online, Tip of the Week.

imageTip of the Week:

We are returning to open tunings for playing slide guitar. E major would be the most popular key in which to play slide guitar, simply because E major is the most accessible Open Tuning! Here’s the open tuning for E major on the guitar.
S represents string number:
S 6 E leave it where it is, obviously.
S 5 tune “up” to a B
S 4 tune “up” to an E
S 3 tune “up” to a G#
S 2, leave it as a B
S 1 E
If you don’t yet understand why the above works, download this video here that is a lesson in how to make a “triad”; the essence of a chord, and chords 1, 3, 5, in the main guitar keys. Regards, and keep on pickin’ Elliot Sabino.

P.s. You can check out some original songs from Sabino, to see if he “can actually play”, like this one currently available FREE